10 Ways To Secure Your Dedicated Hosting Server

76 views 3:36 am 0 Comments February 27, 2024

Year after year, the number of cyberattacks continues to rise. In such a situation, your primary concern should be protecting the dedicated servers on which your websites and web apps are hosted, as an unprotected server may result in security lapses, data loss, and service downtime.

In this article, we will learn how the best hosting provider can help you protect your dedicated server.

Why Securing a Dedicated Server is Important?

Hackers may be able to access private information stored on your server, including your financial, customer and personal data. Customer data is protected when you secure your website with the right server.

Dedicated servers are entirely owned by an organization and are not shared with other users. Thus, you have total control over the server.

10 Effective Ways to Protect Your Dedicated Hosting Server

  1. Install security patches & updates: One of the most common weaknesses that hackers take advantage of is older software. To address any vulnerabilities in their software’s security, the majority of app developers regularly provide security updates.
  2. Implement DDoS Defense: DDoS attacks may bring down entire servers or websites. Unexpectedly high traffic levels overburden your server, resulting in its failure. Choosing a secure dedicated server hosting with DDoS protection is the best method to defend your website against DDoS attacks.
  3. Set a strong password policy: Your dedicated server’s initial line of protection against illegal access is a strong password policy. You must come up with a secure password that combines capital and lowercase letters, random digits, and symbols.
  4. Protect your database: To manipulate and steal data from databases, hackers typically use SQL injection techniques to insert malicious SQL queries into an application that is vulnerable to attack. Limit user access and get rid of extraneous services and files to protect your dedicated hosting server from SQL injection attacks.
  5. Modify the SSH port – Hackers frequently target SSH ports because they can be used to run various programs on dedicated servers and get unauthorized access. Therefore, you must immediately change your default SSH port and secure the dedicated server that you are using.
  6. Backup your data: Regular data backups are a crucial safety precaution against data loss due to technology failures, malevolent cyberattacks, or natural disasters.
  7. Delete any unused software: Unused software could be a threat to security. Unused and out-of-date software is a common way by which hackers can access your server. To keep a secure server environment, check and uninstall any software that isn’t in use.
  8. Manage user account permissions: Restrict root access to the system administrator and assign separate user accounts with restricted privileges to other users. With this method, the security of the server is maintained while permitting every user to do their assigned tasks.
  9. Use secured networks: Use only secure connections to access your hosting account while logging into your dedicated server. Avoid using public networks as they are usually considered unsafe.
  10. Conduct routine malware scans: By scheduling periodic malware scans, you can protect your server against risks including viruses, trojans, spyware, worms, rootkits, and ransomware. Malicious software can also be avoided by using antivirus software.


It’s critical to protect your dedicated server to protect your company from any cyberattacks and data breaches. These enhanced precautions assist in the security of the website, the company’s reputation, and client data. But it’s easy to keep a dedicated server secure when you have a reliable host.